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Merkelin merkilliset tuomiset

Merkelin merkilliset tuomiset

“Kuopion kaupunginjohtaja Esko Piirainen vaikutti hieman varautuneelta vastaanottaessaan liittokansleri Angela Merkelin lahjan kaupungille. Useat kommentaattorit tulkitsivat berliiniläistyneen suomalaistaiteilija Eemil Karilan primitivistisen veistoksen symboloivan Saksan alati voimistuvaa taloudellista vaikutusvaltaa EU:ssa ja periferia-alueiden vähättelyä”.

Balaclava is the new style!

Balaclava is the new style!

The balaclavas are in vogue all over the world: “Orange is the colour of choice for Canadians and a slightly lighter orange for Dubliners.” (the Guardian, 17.8.12) Also pink, pea-green and turquoise will be modish in winter. Pussy Riot created a fashion in colours and a certain commando-partisan-resistance fighter style. “The fresh mix of folkore [...]

Pussys are pissed!

Pussys are pissed!

Pussy Riot piss flood in Yrjönkatu sauna HELSINKI: A group of 17 Pussy Riot supporters protested in Yrjönkatu pool yesterday. They stayed in the swimming pool way over the time limit of two hours. They had been prepared beforehand by drinking lots of beer. The pool ended up flooding with urine. ‘We are so pissed’, [...]